Dr. Ashley Ellsworth


Dr. Ashley Ellsworth is a Veterinarian who has been working in the veterinary field (in various roles) since 2003. She graduated from the Atlantic Veterinary College in 2014. She is passionate about emergency and critical care and has over 16 years of experience in emergency medicine. Her special interests include feline medicine, ultrasound and chemotherapy. A fun fact about Dr. Ellsworth is that she was a teacher before attending veterinary school.

In her spare time, you can find her with her 3 daughters and husband, spending time outdoors and travelling as much as she can. Her favourite destinations are Italy, Switzerland and anything down south. When not travelling, you can find her attempting to cook the various delicacies that she experiences abroad.

Dr. Ellsworth is known for frequently having a household full of foster kittens. She finds enjoyment in nursing them back to health and getting them into loving families. She currently owns a cat named Penny, who was a foster fail many years ago.